
Showing posts from February, 2012

Faith Words: Walking In Love

I've had a difficult time putting my thoughts into words today.  I want to please God in the way I live my life.  I want to interact with others the way He wants me to.  But I find myself falling back into my old ruts of fear, bitterness, arrogance and self-righteousness.  These are just symptoms of a bigger problem:  trusting God. Do I trust Him to take a broken situation and mend it?  Do I really believe He can take our pitiful disputes and settle them?  Do I think God is big enough and powerful enough to accomplish His will? I realize that God doesn't need me to fix anything.  He needs me to trust Him to fix things.  He'll let me know when He's ready for me to take action .  He'll give me a clear understanding of what I should do and what I should say - if I trust Him. In the meantime, He's telling me :  "First things first, Patrice.  Learn to walk in love."  So, here's my verse for February 15, 2012: ...

Faith Words: A New Birth

My newest grandchild was born yesterday, January 31, 2012.  A beautiful baby girl!  A new life filled with new hope and possibilities. And that's just who we are when we're in Christ - new!  In Christ, the old life is gone and we're given a new life filled with new hope and possibilities. My challenge is living in the newness - remembering that I no longer have to live as a slave to sin, that I now have the Holy Spirit living in me.  I am free!  Free to live in love.  Free to do God's will.  Free to walk by faith in Christ Jesus.  Oh the possibilities! Patrice 1 Peter 1:3 (NIV) Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.