
Showing posts from April, 2012

Faith Words: The Way

We've been talking a lot lately about what really matters.  While we may differ with each other on some of what matters to us, one thing I hope we can all agree that Christ Jesus is the way to God. We just back from a wonderful trip to one of our favorite places:  Virginia.  Before we went, we planned our trip.  We selected places to visit while we were to be there, what we wanted to see at those places,and how to get to those places.  While we were there, we tried to stick to our plans but sometimes circumstances changed and we had to deviate from our original plan and wing it.  More than once, we got lost.  Now getting lost is a relative term.  We knew where we were but we didn't quite know how to get to where we wanted to go.  So we had to stop once in a while and re-evaluate our location and our route to our intended destination. It seems to me that's how it is in life sometimes.  We start off with a planned route and destination...

Faith Words: Judgement & Mercy

Just days before leaving on vacation, I received a green card in the mail inviting me to JURY DUTY immediately upon my return.  Why do we react to this summons with such dread?  It can disrupt our routine, but what if the shoe were on the other foot?  Wouldn't we want good citizens responding to their summons to serve on our jury so we could be confident of justice?  Maybe that's part of what we're afraid of. Many of you have heard me tell this tale before but bear with me.  During the Civil War a young soldier was brought before General Robert E. Lee under charges of desertion.  He was visibly trembling and so to reassure him, General lee reportedly told him, "Don't be afraid, son.  You'll receive justice from me."  To which the young soldier replied, "That's what I'm afraid of." We all stand before the Judge of the Universe.  We all stand guilty.  But we have a wonderful advocate standing on our side: our Lord Jesus Chris...