Faith Words: I pledge allegiance...
A couple of weeks ago, we celebrated America's Independence Day and all that means to us. As Americans, we feel a certain unique loyalty to our country and a feeling of pride at being Americans. As an American, I see our flag as a thing of beauty and I proudly stand with my hand over my heart and pledge my allegiance to that flag and what it represents. I thank God that I am an American and I'm grateful for all the rights and privileges that come with that title. While being an American is a good thing, I need to remember that through Christ, as a child of God, my allegiance is first to my Lord and Savior. No matter what nation I live in on this earth, I am a citizen of a heavenly nation that transcends borders and time. I have been called to love the Lord my God with all my heart, all my soul, all my strength and to love my neighbor as myself. So no matter what becomes of America - or any other nation for that matter - I want to lea...