Faith Words: Let Your Light Shine
In the past two week, four treasured ladies have passed from this life into the next: Margaret Poulter, Jane Blackwell, Alice Odle, and Marguerite Goudeau. These ladies died gracefully in Christ but what's more important is how they lived. Each of them lived her life as a beautiful example of the transformational love of Christ. As they walked through this life, they chose to order their steps according to the Word of God. Wisdom, grace, love, joy - these are the riches they possessed and more. Did they live easy, carefree lives without trouble or pain? No, each of them had struggles and suffered pain and loss. But the way they overcame gave glory to God because each of them let Him help her through it all. What is their legacy to me? Their deaths? No, it's their lives that speak to me. Their lives encourage and challenge me to choose God's way because their lives tell me that God's way works, that it's the best way - a way of victory and ...