
Showing posts from June, 2013

Faith Words: Reflecting God's Glory

I had shoulder surgery just about two weeks ago.  Back in March, I fell and really messed up my shoulder.  It turns out that I'd also damaged it sometime in the past but didn't realize the extent of the previous damage until now. Injury upon injury.  The shoulder can only take so much before it finally can no longer function as a shoulder should.  I'd pushed mine to the limit and needed surgery to get it back in shape again. All is going well.  I'll see the doctor Tuesday for a check-up and to get instructions for living for the next month.  I will recover but slowly and with a lot of hard work.  Surprisingly, I haven't had as much pain as I thought I would but I expect to make up for that in physical therapy. This experience has been a blessing to me.  Oh, I get more than a little frustrated with my limitations.  The sling is annoying, but necessary.  Finding clothes that I can put on has been very challenging.  My hair is - ...

Faith Words: It's time!

It's time to go.  Monday is the big day and we will leave today so we'll be there in plenty of time to be ready for Monday.  We had thought we'd have more time, but no, it's all set for Monday. I've known the day would come eventually.  And I've even been making vague preparations along the way.  But suddenly, the day is here and I'm not ready.  I have a lot of details taken care of:  clothing, supplies.  But I'm not through getting ready for my departure. I don't know if you're like me, but when I'm going somewhere, I like to leave everything in place at home - just in case.  There are always things left undone:  closets to be cleaned out, drawers to be sorted, filing to be done.  But I really try to take care of what I think is important, what no one else would know about, those responsibilities that are mine and mine alone.  This time, though, I keep thinking I'm forgetting something.  And it woke me up. Laundry. ...