Faith Words: Growing
My oldest granddaughter, Veronica, is growing. Monday, her other grandparents picked her up to come home with them for a visit. But before they could start their journey, they had to get a new car seat. Roni was so excited. They were getting rid of the "baby" car seat and getting one for a "big" girl. Same thing with her clothes: she's outgrowing everything and is ready for a bigger size. She's growing. She's growing and she's excited about it. We're excited for her. We want her to grow and not stay a baby forever. We pray that one day she'll grow into a beautiful young Christian woman who loves God more and more every day. What about me? Am I still growing in Christ? Do I get excited about that? I don't want to stay a baby forever. Peter encouraged all new Christians with these words: "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that yo...