
Showing posts from August, 2013

Faith Words: Growing

My oldest granddaughter, Veronica, is growing.  Monday, her other grandparents picked her up to come home with them for a visit.  But before they could start their journey, they had to get a new car seat.  Roni was so excited.  They were getting rid of the "baby" car seat and getting one for a "big" girl.  Same thing with her clothes:  she's outgrowing everything and is ready for a bigger size.  She's growing. She's growing and she's excited about it.  We're excited for her.  We want her to grow and not stay a baby forever.  We pray that one day she'll grow into a beautiful young Christian woman who loves God more and more every day. What about me?  Am I still growing in Christ?  Do I get excited about that?  I don't want to stay a baby forever.  Peter encouraged all new Christians with these words:  "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that yo...

Faith Words: Weak Signal

Off and on over the summer, we've been experiencing problems with our cable and Internet service.  At first, we excused it as weather related - you know, the wind was blowing hard and creating static that was scrambling the signal or the rain and associated clouds were interfering with the signal causing short-term outages.  The problems would come and go and resolve without us doing anything. So we just ignored it and went on our way. Then, the problems became more frequent, sometimes resulting in hours of poor quality service or none at all.  Time to call in the experts.  The cable service people came and replaced our modem, our digital receiver, and the connectors in the box where the cable came into the house. Yes!  Fixed!  Back in business!  For a while. Little by little the problems recurred.  We'd have good service for extended periods of time with just short periods of interference.  The interference periods grew longer and longer...