Faith Words: What We Don't See
It's been just about six months since I fell and dislocated my shoulder. After a few medical consultations, I had surgery in June to repair massive tearing to my rotator cuff. For a while, I wore a sling with a cushion that held my arm at the correct angle to my shoulder while it started the healing process. Then, I "graduated" to a plain sling without the cushion. Then, I quit wearing the sling altogether. Now, from all outward appearances, I look well. Just by looking, you'd never know my right arm isn't fully healed yet. Just by looking, you'd never know how limited the use of my right arm is. Just by looking, you'd never know that it still hurts, especially around the scar, and that I'm afraid someone will touch it and make it hurt again without realizing it's still somewhat raw. Then, it hit me this weekend when I was visiting with a dear friend that there are a lot of people out there who have suffered hurts in different ways and j...