Faith Words: The Kenyan Connection
In this season of Thanksgiving, I received something new to be thankful for. Just about a week ago, I met, for the first time, 3 brothers of mine: Thomas, Bernard and Alfayo. They were here with my sister Mauryn for brief visit from Kenya. While none of them are kin to me by birth, we are kin by the blood of Jesus. And upon meeting them, there was an instant connection that brings me to tears of joy. These folks are a part of our Kenya Widows and Orphans Ministry and by extension, World Bible School. The WBS link came first but the KWO link is just as strong and sure now. Mauryn takes care of the financial side of KWO in Kenya (among other things) and Thomas, Bernard and Alfayo work in and supervise some of the orphanages there. What we have is a partnership designed by the Lord where we supply them with financial assistance and spiritual advice and they take on the tasks of doing the day to day work of caring for the widows and orphans we've ...