
Showing posts from March, 2014

Faith Words: His Great Mercy

Prayer is an interesting concept.  Talking to Someone we can't see and can't touch and believing He hears and cares and acts on our behalf. In the Scriptures, the writers urge us to pray.  They encourage us to pray continually, to pray about everything, to pray honestly from deep down inside even when we don't have the words.  Remember the hymn:   Pray All The Time ? Happy, sad, frightened, blessed, distraught, tempted, victorious - pray! It's so comforting to have faith that when we pray, God hears.  That faith is based on our experiences and on those of others but still, it's faith that makes us know that when we pray, we're not talking to emptiness and air.  When my dad prays, one phrase he almost always prays is:  "Be with us and strengthen us that we might all do better."  Dad's 90 - almost 91 and his prayers are simple and trusting and full of faith that while we're not perfect, our heavenly Father can give us what we need to do bette...

Faith Words: Law vs Love

I made the call last night and sure enough I have to report for jury duty on Monday morning.  I knew I would but a part of me hoped I wouldn't.  It's not really being on a jury that bothers me.  I just don't like the interruption into my routine.  I get that card in the mail that's titled Jury Summons and I groan and think:  "Really?  Now?  I don't have time for this now!"  But whether I have time or not, I'll be there bright and early Monday morning for two reasons:  1.  It's a Constitutional right and privilege.  2.  It's the law.  And, honestly, it's that second reason that gets me in the car and to the courthouse more than the first reason.  Why?  I really don't want a peace officer showing up at my door because I didn't appear as summoned. It's much the same in life.  We're faced with choices all day long, and a lot of the time, we choose to do the right thing because it's the law.  We stop at s...