
Showing posts from November, 2014

Faith Words: And when I die...

When I was in high school, one of my favorite bands was Blood, Sweat & Tears.  They had a song called "And When I Die."  Listening to the words today, it sounds like someone trying to be at peace with death and the afterlife.  But the words keep singing in my mind:  "and when I die and when I'm dead, dead and gone, there'll be one child born in this world to carry on, to carry on." Part of becoming a Christian is dying to self and living for Christ.  Intellectually, I understand the principle but I have trouble practicing it.  I'll be going along, doing good from a place deep inside me, and then, out of nowhere, I start thinking selfish, self-centered thoughts, thoughts full of pride, seeking credit for my actions.  Why is that?! I often have a conversation going on inside my head: "I'm thankful for being able to do this or that for this person or that." "Yeah, you deserve a lot of credit for being such a good servant - so...

Faith Words: Long time passing

We spent the weekend with our children and grandchildren in Austin.  Precious times!  Children (even grown ones) change so much when you don't see them regularly.  I'm glad we had the chance to be with them and talk and laugh and catch up a little. After we left them, we drove to Dallas to check on my parents.  Mom's in the hospital and Dad's right there faithfully by her side every minute, holding her hand, comforting her the way only he can.  After nearly 69 years of marriage, it's hard to tell where one life stops and the other begins.  They're woven together in the tapestry that has been their life. I miss my family.  I wish we lived closer together so we could see each other more often.  I'd probably drive my kids nuts, if we did.  But I miss them all so! Life is not easy.  We rush through our youth trying to get all the pieces in place so we can really live.  Then, when we finally think we've got all the pieces just abo...