Faith Words: Daily Word
For years, my friend Carol has been encouraging people to read the Bible daily. Just like I've challenged her to memorize Scripture, she has challenged me (and just about everyone else she talks to) to join her in daily Bible reading. She talks about it, she prints up reading guides, she hands them out, she leaves them in public places. But more importantly, she does it herself. Yes, for years, she has read through her Bible annually. She'd be the first to tell you that daily Bible reading has changed her life. It has given her comfort and guidance in difficult times. It has convicted of her of changes she needs to make in her life. It has encouraged her. Do you want to make lasting changes in your life? Read the Bible. Do you want a calmer, more peaceful life? Read the Bible. Do you want to have direction in your life? Read the Bible. Need help coping with family or personal issues? Read the Bible. Written long ago, the Word of God i...