
Showing posts from January, 2015

Faith Words: Daily Word

For years, my friend Carol has been encouraging people to read the Bible daily.  Just like I've challenged her to memorize Scripture, she has challenged me (and just about everyone else she talks to) to join her in daily Bible reading.  She talks about it, she prints up reading guides, she hands them out, she leaves them in public places. But more importantly, she does it herself.  Yes, for years, she has read through her Bible annually. She'd be the first to tell you that daily Bible reading has changed her life.  It has given her comfort and guidance in difficult times.  It has convicted of her of changes she needs to make in her life.  It has encouraged her. Do you want to make lasting changes in your life? Read the Bible. Do you want a calmer, more peaceful life? Read the Bible. Do you want to have direction in your life? Read the Bible. Need help coping with family or personal issues? Read the Bible. Written long ago, the Word of God i...

Faith Words: Good In, Good Out

Don't you just love fresh starts?  Every day, every moment, we have an opportunity to start again.  In a bad mood?  You can decide to drop it and start fresh.  Making bad choices?  You can decide to stop and turn to better choices. So here we stand on the threshold of a new day - a new year. So far, everything is looking good.  How can I keep it that way?  That's the million dollar question, isn't it? As you make your New Year's Resolutions, consider making memorizing scripture one of them.  I got into to this about four years ago when I happened upon one of Beth Moore's blog posts on her Living Proof website.  I've patterned my annual plan after hers.  Not very original but it works. Here's how:  I'll write a new post on this blog on or about the 1st and 15th of each month, including my memory verse for that two-week period at the end of the post. You respond with a comment to my post that contains just your name and the ve...