
Showing posts from April, 2016

Faith Words: Hold On

I know you're hurting.  It seems there's always something, doesn't it?  Do you ever feel like you'll be crushed?  Do you sometimes believe that no one else really knows, much less cares, what you're going through?  It really feels that way but I know there is someone in your life who does know, who does care. Job felt alone.  All his riches gone.  All his children gone. His wife didn't offer much help.  And his three good friends blamed him.  But he held on to what his heart knew, not what his eyes saw.  He trusted God.  His story wasn't over - not yet. I heard a song the other day by For King and Country: "It's Not Over Yet."  Powerful reminder that God is in control and He's not through - not yet. You see, our troubles, whether big or little, are momentary.  We're eternal.  What our eyes see isn't the whole picture.  What God says - well, that's heart knowledge.  That's truth.  That's hope. God sa...

Faith Words: A New Season

Everything is budding and blooming.  I don't remember a spring with the Indian hawthorns were prettier.  And the two tall crepe myrtle trees in our front yard, that have suffered so through the hard winters we had a few years ago followed by the severe droughts, look healthy and strong with their new green leaves sprouting all over, promising a summer of beautiful blossoms in lavender and white. The oaks trees have shed their old leaves and put on new ones and their prolific blooms have been carried away by the wind.  Just in time, too, because the giant pecan tree in our back yard has awakened and budded and beginning to show signs of its blooms. The grass is a nice bright spring green and the squirrels and birds work in it digging out buried nuts and hidden bugs and worms.  The mockingbird performs his marvelous concert from the powerlines over the alley and the robin dances around showing off his proud red breast. The Lord has led nature through the bittern...