Faith Words: Dig Deep
We've had this tree for a couple of months now. We've been meaning to plant it but one thing leads to another and it doesn't get done. Anyway, last week's rain had the ground softened up just right, so today, we planted it. It's not easy to plant a tree at my age. But having waited so long to get started, I dug and dug like I did it everyday. Well, kind of. West Texas dirt is hard even after it's been softened up a little by rain. But you lay into it with a pick/ax and shovel and you can do amazing things! My main obstacles were the roots of the old trees that used to be there. We had planted two beautiful crepe myrtle trees years ago but drought and cold killed them. We finally got tired of looking at the dead canes and cut them back. Then, finally, last week, a guy we know was able to get the stumps out. However, under the surface, many roots of those old trees remained. And they were just where we wanted to plant the new tree. ...