Faith Words: Like Him
We went to a house today that was old and worn out. The paint was flaking and the wood trim rotting. The windows didn't close properly and the doors stuck and were hard to open. Inside was worse. The original wood floors were stained. There were tiles missing from the bathroom floor. And the smell! I can't describe the awful smell that overwhelmed us as we went from room to room. I pulled my shirt up over my nose in an effort to keep from taking in the offensive odor. (And believer me - offensive is a mild word for what my nose was sensing!) As we headed for the back yard, I thought we'd at least be met with fresh air and would be able to breathe again.. And we were. But the deck was rotten with nail heads popping up here and there, ready to catch the unwary foot and trip the careless visitor. I feared what I couldn't see - in the grass, under the deck, through the next gate. Unwelcome surprises were surely everywhere. More ...