
Showing posts from July, 2017

Faith Words: Freedom!

Yesterday, July 14th, was France's Bastille Day.  Just a few days prior was the United States' Independence Day, July 4th.  Both days mark turning points in each country's battle for freedom.  Far from marking the end of the battle, each day commemorates a growing determination to achieve the freedom from oppression the people sought.  Each day marked a public declaration that the past was over and a new country was born. Have you declared that you're done with the past and have been born again?  Do you remember when you made that decision?  Is your desire for freedom as fervent today as on the day when you made your public declaration?  When do you celebrate your new birth? So many questions but we need to remember.  We need to celebrate the decision we made to follow Christ and be free indeed.  We need to keep the desire to live free in Christ alive and fresh because while the victory is certain, the battle is not over. Today, we are...

Faith Words: Grace Race

Every day, same thing.  Get up. Get dressed.  Work. Go to bed. Get up the next morning and do it all over again. We often call it the Rat Race. Why does our routine become a prison?  A cage where we run in the same little maze day in and day out?  Is there more? The good news?  Whether our routine is a passion or a prison is a matter of perspective.  Our maze can become our mission.  Why?  Because there is more. Every day, we don't have to start over.  We get to. Our circumstances may not change over night, but each day, we have an opportunity to look at life through fresh eyes, to face the day with a determination to make the most of what comes our way, to see God's hand - His plan - in the world around us, to experience His grace again and again. I think that's one reason our loving Heavenly Father made time.  The way time moves through each day, each month, each season, each year, we feel the invitation to begin again.  ...