Faith Words: Feed Me
A few weeks ago,I attended ThinkNEXT, a church planters' conference. One of the exercises the speaker had us do was to spend about thirty minutes in solitude. She instructed us to spend this time noticing God in everything, all around us. She encouraged us to be quiet and listen for God's voice. I have trouble being still and it's quite a challenge for me to be quiet, but I complied. It was a beautiful October day, so I walked outside and sat on a bench and waited - observing, listening. Peace enveloped me. Joy filled me. And God spoke to me. His simple message: Let Me feed you. In awe, a picture came to me of a mother trying to feed her toddler. The toddler - eager to learn and become independent - reached for the spoon every time the mother brought it close. Each time, the mother gently moved the child's tiny, inexperienced hand away and brought the spoon to the child's mouth, so she could eat the nutritious food....