Faith Words: Hope
There was a movie a few years back entitled “As Good As It Gets.” One of the characters seeking counseling wondered out loud if life would ever get better. The people in the waiting room sat there in shock, thinking what if he’s right? When we’re in a frustrating, desperate, out of control situation, we’re inclined to wonder: will things ever get better? Does anyone really care? We look to the future and see no help, no reason to hope. So we look back at where we are and focus on the problems overwhelming us and become even more desperate. If you think life will never get any better than it is, you might just give up hope. The Word reminds us that the Lord hasn’t forgotten us. He is not the one who causes our problems. We make choices with consequences. Unforeseen dangers seem to overtake us. But God can take our problems, our choices, our consequences, the unforeseen dangers and use them to grow us, to strengthen us, to show us that He loves us. And His love brings us...