
Showing posts from September, 2021

Faith Words: New Perspective

We get used to patterns in life. That’s why you can drive from your house to the grocery store and not remember a single turn or stop sign. It’s just rote behavior and muscle memory kicking in.  I do that with my Christian walk sometimes as well. Bible class, worship service, small group. Wait a week and repeat. Do I ever really stop and see those around me?  Do I really hear the message?  Do I mean the words of the song or am I just singing a familiar tune? To get the most out of life, I need to get a new perspective. Take a different route to the store. Sit in a different seat in Bible class and church. Sing each song, pray each prayer like I’m standing at the foot of the throne all by myself. Listen and takes notes like the Holy Spirit is speaking directly to me.  Time to get out of my routine and get a new perspective.  Seeing with fresh eyes, Patrice Matthew‬ ‭13:16‬ ‭TPT‬‬ But blissful are your eyes, for they see. Delighted are your ears, for they are open...

Faith Words: Living Water

Today is our day to water the yard. There’s this one spot of grass that just doesn’t seem to get enough water. I’m not sure why. It could be the big pecan tree over it drains away all the water we put to it. It could be the heat of the season we’re in. Whatever the cause, that grass dries out quickly. It always needs more. I’m like that grass. I don’t drink enough from the well of living water. But when I do, I don’t seem to get enough. I’m not sure why. Sometimes the big burdens of life sap it all away from me. Sometimes the season of life I’m in dry it up quickly. I always need more.  If I neglect the grass and don’t water it, it’ll die. If I neglect my need for the living water, I’ll die, too. Both the grass and myself will flourish when properly and regularly watered. Water is life.  Thirsty, Patrice John 7:38 NIV Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.