
Showing posts from February, 2025

Faith Words: Pride

In the movie “Tremors,” an argument breaks out between Burt and Val. Burt’s wife tries to calm her husband down by telling him, “I know.  He thinks he knows everything.”   Sometimes I think I know everything, too.  Pride wells up in me and makes me think more of myself than I should. Actually, I’m pretty much like everyone else. I excel at some things and fail at others. I’m often mediocre at best. I’m reminded how little I do know. My life isn’t supposed to be about me becoming the best I can be. The way I understand it, I’m supposed to die to myself and live as Christ. My desire for notoriety and applause should fade to make room for God’s glory shining in what I do, for me to reflect Jesus in every aspect of my life.  At my age, you’d think I would be fully living like Christ but that’s the overachiever in me. Hopefully, my life is reflecting Jesus more each day but my transformation is ongoing. So I press on, as Paul said. I want to know Christ but more than that...

Faith Words: Reality

I dreamed of John last night. When I woke, I reached for him, only to realize it was just a dream. But it seemed so real! My dream life and my awake life both have a semblance of reality.    Yet there is an unseen life that is more real than either.  From the moment I was born again, I entered eternal life with God through the precious blood of Jesus.  My eternal life reality sometimes loses its sharpness as I muddle through my other two realities. That happens when I forget who I am, when the world pushes in too hard, demanding my attention. Still, it’s the real reality.  I died to myself and live eternally as Christ. God continually calls me back through His Spirit living in me to see beyond the temporal. What I do here doesn’t stay here. My life, my choices, my actions have eternal consequences.  When I live as Christ and all that that means,…, well,…that’s really living. In Christ - forever! Patrice ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6‬:‭19b‬ ‭NIV‬‬ …….take hold of the life...