
Faith Words: Salvation

I feel like I’m being bombarded constantly by all manor of voices. Some angry. Some kind. Some full of wisdom. Some full of lies. Some so convoluted that I’m not sure if I’m hearing truth or lies.  How can I filter these words, hang on to the truth and not be fooled or deluded by the lies and protect my mind?  If I try to lean on my own understanding, I find myself swaying first to one voice, then to the next.  The lines between good and evil start to blur some around the edges.  I’ll talk myself into believing almost anything. Everything I let in my ears and then into my mind and my heart affects me. How do I keep the evil one’s voice from changing me more into his likeness when what I want is to be transformed into the likeness of Christ?  Whose voice is louder?  Whose voice do I hear?  Whose voice do I follow?  Paul tells us to put on the helmet of salvation, to wear the salvation we have in Jesus Christ to keep my mind and heart securely fixed on Him, to filter all the noise throug

Faith Words: His

When I was child, my parents shielded me from hurtful things when they could. When they couldn’t, they tried to comfort me and help me heal. We did the same thing when our children were small. Truth be told, I still try to do that today with my adult children and with my grandchildren. My love for them brings out my protective nature. I want to shield them from anything that would damage them or hurt them. They don’t always want my help (my love, yes, but not always my help), but I stand ready to throw myself between them and the bad things. Our Lord offers us His shield of love and faith to protect us from the evil one and the effects evil has on us, but unlike this momma’s tendency to step in uninvited, Our Lord waits for us to ask for His shield, to let the protection and healing He offers come over us.  When our Lord, the Holy One of Israel, offers us His perfect shield, why would we, why would I push Him away?    Why wouldn’t I eagerly embrace His protection and bask in His love?

Faith Words: Faith

I’ve heard that the soldiers of Ancient Rome soaked their leather shields in water before battle so when struck by the flaming arrows of the enemy’s archers, the wet shields would not burn.   Satan attacks us with spiritual flaming arrows. Sometimes they’re nothing more than lies and accusations that undermine our self-confidence. God’s shield of faith can defend us against these by training us to put our confidence in Him, not ourselves. (That’s pretty basic and I can do that with God’s help pretty easily - when things aren’t going too badly. I think these arrows are just testing me to see where I’m weak, where I’m vulnerable.) We get in the Word. We pray. We stand firm.  But what happens when the arrows are more powerful, hit harder, drive in deeper?    Are we ready for that kind of attack?    How do we keep standing firm against abuse, hatred, violence, addiction, perversion? I don’t mean in a general sense when it’s “out there” in the world but when it strikes close to home in the

Faith Words: My Help

One fall, John and I visited the Mid-Coast region of Maine.     It was beautiful! Lighthouses, fall color, the Penobscot Bay - I could go on and on.   There’s a unique suspension bridge over the Penobscot River near Bucksport that has an observatory at the top of one of the towers. The 420’ elevator ride from the ground to the second floor takes 90 seconds!    It’s the tallest bridge observatory in the world and there are only three others like it: one in China, one in Thailand, and one on Slovakia.    It’s way up there!   The view through the plate glass windows is spectacular!    There are displays showing you what you’re looking at and how far away it is. I wish all of you could experience it.  However, I have a fear of heights. (I know. What was I doing up there then?)    I plastered myself to the inner wall, afraid to take a step toward the windows. My mind knew it was safe but my heart kept telling me the floor was going to dissolve under my feet, so there I stood, frozen in plac

Faith Words: The Gospel of Peace

At my age, feeling steady on my feet is one of the most important things I want. Whether I’m standing still, walking, or climbing stairs, I want to feel secure and not fear tripping or falling. I’ve done both and I know I don’t want to do either again. Ever.  I can’t neglect my feet or my shoes. The kind of shoes I wear and the condition of my feet greatly influence my ability to stand. I look for the right shoes. Solid shoes that will give me what I need.  Good support. Non-slip soles. Laces that stay tied. Designed for stability.  The Lord asks me to stand firm with my feet fitted with the gospel of peace. When I obey the gospel, I have peace with God. He accepts the death of Jesus as full payment for my sin debt. He looks at me through the blood of Jesus and I’m in good standing with Him.  That doesn’t stop Satan from trying to trip me up, knock me down, make me fall. But the gospel of peace won’t fail me.  I can’t neglect the gospel. I need to examine it and know it.  Then, I’ll ha

Faith Words: In Him

Membership has its privileges. Discounts on flights and hotel rooms.  Access to special events and people. The best seats. The best access. The best of everything. If you’re willing to pay the price of membership, you can have the privileges.   But with our Lord, he’s one who paid the price and instead of keeping it all for himself, he gives us his privileges. When we’re in him, we have access to the Father and the Holy Spirit. We gain all the blessings without paying any of the cost. Our Lord doesn’t just give us his privileges, he gives us himself. We become one with him and everything he is.  Now, that’s amazing grace.  Patrice 2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭21‬ ‭NIV‬‬  God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Faith Words: Righteousness

I like to think I’m a good person who conducts herself in a morally upright manner. Sometimes I can carry that off; but deep inside, I know that my righteousness is unsustainable, no matter how good my intentions.  God knows this about me. He sees me trying to live a righteous life by my own efforts; and He knows I can’t sustain it by myself. So, through Jesus, He offers me His righteousness. All I have to do is put it on. His righteousness covers my heart and reminds me of who I am - of whose I am.  When I put on the breastplate of His righteousness, I remember that He is the source of all goodness, not me.  When I put on the breastplate of His righteousness, I remember that I am under His control, not the control of sin. When I put on the breastplate of His righteousness, I remember that He gives me the power to stand against the enemy.  Standing firm by His mighty power, Patrice  Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭14b‬ ‭NIV  Stand firm then, … with the breastplate of righteousness in place, …