Flapping My Wings Again........

Hi everyone!

I just listened again to Margaret's audio about the Bees and our own roles within the Body.  I think she hit the nail on the head when she described the feeling of flapping my wings and going nowhere!  I want to encourage each of you to reevaluate your impact within your own Christian community and realize the valuable roles you've played.   Contentment is something I strive for on a daily basis and I am challenged to begin looking at whether or not I'm mostly a sweet aroma or a rotten smell (not just to my Father in Heaven but to our family here on earth).  Each of you have  definitely been a sweet aroma to me especially every time I look at this blog and find your responses and willingness to interact during our journey.  Anyone else craving honey lately?

We are almost finished with our study together but before we move on to the last chapter, I would love to hear your insight about this one, so please comment if you have time. 

Love you,


Jackie said…
The thing that struck me most in this chapter is how when a hive needs a queen, a single larva is selected and receives the royal jelly to trigger the development of the queen. It shows me how again and again, God uses the ordinary. He can take an ordinary bee and make it a queen; he can take an ordinary Jewish girl and through her save the Israelite nation and he can take a ordinary young women and through her bring the Savior of the world. Ordinary is a good thing in the hands of the Master. To Him be the Glory.
Anonymous said…
I am glad Jackie pointed out how God can take the ordinary and make the extraordinary.

Also the intricacy of the hive, reflects on the intricacy of the church and how we all fit together and every job is important to the health of the body.

I hope my life can be the aroma of Christ and smell as sweet as honey in God's nose and in the lives of people I meet.

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