Within the Vine

As we are coming to the end of our study time together, I wanted to pose a few discussion questions:  Kristof described two vines next to each other that may need completely different care from the vinedresser.  Have you ever looked at someone else's life and wondered why they've had a completely different experience with God than you?  How does having a healthy perspective on pruning help you grow to your full potential?  How does having an unhealthy perspective on pruning limit your ability to grow to your full potential? 

In closing, I just want to thank each of you for participating in this wonderful study and for your willingness to share your comments with our group.  You have blessed me!




Brenda Sorrells said…
This week is so rich! So many impactive concepts that are so revealing in our lives - rest, balance, abiding, appreciation of the gift - wow.

I was forced to really think through the concept of how owners who have inherited a vineyard lack the dedication necessary to cherish and care for the gift of the vineyard. It made me think about the gift we have inherited in our salvation and the gift of being the Bride of Christ. I think we too fall into the same trap on not understanding how to cherish and care for the gift. Margaret described it as a "lack of appreciation." I'm afraid it fits!

Must be time to prune!!!
Jackie said…
Iris, Thanks for facilitating this study. I have enjoyed your comments and been encouraged to think a little deeper by them.

I remember as a young christian woman how we would attend Ladies' Day Events at different churches and how much I desired to become a speaker at a Ladies Day event, but things that happened in my life never allowed me to have that kind of opportunity. I had often wondered why God allowed certain events to happen in my life the way they did. At the time I felt like opportunities were being taken away. Little did I know that God wasn't so much taking away as he was pruning my heart and growing me into what he desired for me to be. I think back at how some of the pruning I went through was indeed painful at the time, but the blessings I have reaped have been amazing. I think that when we have an attitude of "poor me" in the midst of our pruning the fruit we produce is going to be inferior compared to our fruit when we take a moment and ask ourselves what is it that God is trying to grow in us.

Brenda, OUCH! I think you have stepped on my toes as well. I have enjoyed your thoughts. They have been very insightful and thought provoking.

It was indeed a treat to share this with all of you. May you all grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord.


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