Faith Words: In case you were wondering....

You may be like me and kind of new to the world of blogging.  Don't be dismayed!  As Kay Arthur is fond of saying:  "Hangest thou in there!"  Remember:  1.  All you have to do is find a scripture that you believe God wants to write on your heart for where you are right now.  2.  Enter the verse as a comment on the blogspot.  (Just follow the instructions on the screen.)  3.  Include your name, the location of the verse, the version of the Bible you're using and the verse itself.  See?  Simple!  Even a 57 year old can do it.

Here are our goals once again:  Memorize 2 verses each month (one on the 1st and one on the 15th).  Write the verses in a notebook (like an index card spiral or something similar) so you can keep them close at hand for review.  Enter the verse as a comment on the blogspot.  Do this every month this year (2012) and then celebrate what the Lord has done. 

We hope to come up with a suitable celebration for those of us who stick it out all year (that's all of us, I hope!).  We'll keep updating you on that as plans develop.  Also, if you want, we have labels that you're welcome to use to stick on the cover of your spiral to identify it.  The labels are available in the South Rotunda at GCR.  Look for the pink folder.

I am so encouraged that you've joined us for this journey into God's word.  Looking forward to hearing from you.



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