Faith Words: First Christmas

Our dear little Vivienne is 11-1/2 months old.  This will be her first Christmas.  At our house, Christmas is big celebration with lots of excitement and commotion.  We look forward to being with her on her first Christmas next week - watching her open her gifts, seeing her take it all in.

She's just the sweetest baby - wide eyes, big smile.  As much as she reminds us of her big sister, she's her own little person.  Her looks and personality are definitely her own.  And as she grows, who will she be?  What will she become?

The year Jesus was born, the first Christmas, it was another little baby's first Christmas.  Cousin John was only about 3 months old.  Since his daddy was a priest, I don't know where he and his family went for the great census but not likely Bethlehem.  So, he wasn't there to hear the angels or see the shepherds.  In those days, it wasn't a time of gift giving and family gatherings, feasting and song.  So the day went pretty much unnoticed by this special child.

As grandparents, we think all of our grandchildren are special.  And they are!  But imagine being grandparent to little John.  He was called before he was born and given a sacred task.  All his life was spent getting ready for his ministry.  Did he and his new cousin Jesus look anything alike?  Maybe they had the same nose or the same chin. We don't know but we do know he was definitely his own unique person.  His food, his looks, his lifestyle would set him apart from everyone else.  And he would make a lasting impact on the world.

Focus.  Determination.  Intentional.  Deliberate.  That's how John lived his life.  He, with the help of his family, made daily choices that moved him ever closer to the ministry he was born for.  And when the time came, he was fully prepared, fully invested in his mission.

We can be that devoted to our Lord.  Furthermore, we can help our children and our grandchildren take the steps they need to so they'll be more and more prepared each day for a life fully devoted to Jesus Christ.  Even if we haven't been doing the "right things" so far, we can start now to submit to God's calling and blessings for ourselves and our children and our children's children for generations yet to come.  Our lives and our families' lives - like John's - can point the way to Jesus.

What will you give your family this Christmas?  I think I'll re-gift something - something special - a family legacy of devotion to the Lord - possible only because of the Gift given to all of us on that first Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Luke 1:68 (NIV)

Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because He has come and has redeemed His people.


Carol Rea said…
Jude 24 NIV

To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy.
Sheree Denny said…
Psalm 34:18 NIV

The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Kim OConnor said…
Psalm 139:23-24 NIV

Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.

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