Faith Words: Dream Big

We've been dreaming about retirement and what that might look like for us.  It's still a few years away, but no harm in dreaming, right?

We dream of having plenty of time for projects around the house, for travel, for family and for ministry.  And I believe, if it's the Lord's will, we will have plenty of time for all those things.

We're all dreamers. (I think that's one reason Pinterest is so popular.)  But eventually, those dreams need some kind of action to be fulfilled, don't they?

It may be the seemingly headlong move by a young adult whose dreams lie in new places among new people, away from the safety net of home and family.  It may be the bold dream of a retired couple that takes them to another country to share the love of God with people who've never known it before.

What are your dreams?  A fresh start?  A new mission field?  A happy family?  A calm and peaceful life?  Then, it's time for that first daring step to take your dreams closer to reality.

Commit your life and your plans to God.  I believe a godly life will lead you to godly plans.  The Father will show you His dreams for you and encourage you accordingly.  It's easy to get this step backwards.  Often, we make plans and belatedly ask the Lord to bless them.  We might be more successful if we seek God's way first.

Inquire of the Lord.  When the Israelites were about to do something new, sometimes they remembered to stop and inquire of the Lord first.  Sometimes they didn't.  Can you guess which way had better results?  Well, we're no different.  We're not smarter or wiser than the Israelites.

The first and best step we can take is to seek the Lord's counsel.  Ask for direction and open or closed doors.  Be bold in your requests, patiently waiting for His answers and courageous in your decision to go in the direction He leads you.  You'll undoubtedly have trials along the way, but at least you'll be in step with the One who is Himself the Way.

So, dream.  Dream big.  And go with God.


Proverbs 3:5-6  (NIV)

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
     and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him,
     and He will make your paths straight.


Sheree Denny said…
Psalm 119:33 NIV

Teach me, O Lord, to follow your decrees; then I will keep them to the end.
Carol Rea said…
Hosea 12:6 NIV

But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always.
Tajuana Speir said…
Psalm 46:10a NIV

He says, "Be still, and know that I am God;
Anonymous said…
Proverbs 20:22 NLT

Don't say, "I will get even for this wrong."
Wait for the LORD to handle the matter!

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