Faith Words: Blessings & Thankfulness
Internal struggles in Kenya led Grace on a journey through the worst times imaginable to deliverance at God's hand. Somehow, through it all, Grace knew in her heart that God is faithful and would provide. Grace's story of terror and despair was just the beginning - the prologue, if you will - of her story of faith and victory. If you didn't hear Grace's story Sunday, I invite you to visit KWO's website and watch the video for yourself: Kikitemo: A Story about Grace . After meeting Grace and hearing her testimony, I realized again just how blessed I am. Even the worst things I've experienced are nothing but minor inconveniences by comparison. So, I stop once again to reflect on what I have to be thankful for. I have a faithful, loving husband. I have two wonderful sons with beautiful families. My home is safe and sound - heated in the winter, cooled in the summer, with electricity and running water & sewer. Grocery stores are just around ...