Faith Words: Hidden In Plain Sight

On our recent trip to Virginia, John & I hiked nearly to the top of the Crabtree Falls trail.  We went as far as the last place you could view the falls from the trail - about 1.5 miles up and 1.5 miles back down.  This time of year, the whole area is just beautiful with leaves is various shades of green, yellow, gold, orange, red and brown.

But all along the way, there are dangers hidden in plain sight.  The park service posts warning signs clearly at the beginning of the trail and at dangerous spots along the way.  Poison ivy and poison oak intertwine with other vines and trees ready to be touched or grabbed mistakenly when a handhold is needed.  The edges of the rocks lining the waterfalls are coated with clear algae - a substance that looks just like wet surfaces but is so slippery that many unwary or reckless hikers have lost their footing and their lives on these slick spots.

Besides these dangers, the path itself is difficult.  It starts as the slight incline of a paved path and varies in steepness and ease as it zigzags up and through rocks and tree roots.  The hiker is so tempted to look at the awesome scenery all around.  But if you're not focused on the next step in the path in front of you, you risk tripping, slipping or falling.  And since the trail is narrow and has steep, rugged edges, there is great risk in looking away.  It can be a long way down.

Still, the landscape around you is breathtaking!  The waterfalls are the highest east of the Mississippi River.  To see and hear the roaring waters is worth the work of the climb.  We stopped every so often to look around and enjoy the view - the sunlight filtering through the trees, the leaves falling like rain, the powerful water cascading down and over the stone wall and swirling in pools below. God's handiwork is gloriously on display.

As we walk through life, we also face dangers hidden in plain sight. Things and people that seem harmless can be dangerous.  They can trip us up causing us to fall, bringing pain into our lives.

In His Word, God tells us about the dangers of this life.  We need to examine life carefully to discern which steps are safe and which will bring harm and hurt.  We need to watch the warning signs.  Holding on to the truth of God's Word and keeping to His path will get us through life and bring us safely to the end of the trail.

A life lived according to God's direction and precautions can afford us a beautiful and breathtaking experience along the way.  Following Him as our Guide, we'll see a beauty in life not visible from any other perspective. And God's glory will shine through every step we take - never hidden and always in plain sight.



Isaiah 40: 4-5a (NIV)

Every valley shall be raised up,
    every mountain and hill made low;
the rough ground shall become level,
    the rugged places a plain.
And the glory of the Lord will be revealed,
    and all people will see it together..


Sheree Denny said…
Psalm 119:41 NIV

May your unfailing love come to me, O Lord, your salvation according to your promise.
Carol Rea said…
Matthew 9:29 NIV

Then he touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith let it be done to you";
Anonymous said…
Romans 15:4 NLT

Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled.

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