Faith Words: Patience

Am I a patient person?  Sometimes, sometimes not.

We went to church with our son and his family last week and the sermon was on patience. When I heard that, I cringed. “Hope it’s a short lesson.”  “I’m hungry. Wonder where we’re going for lunch?” “I hope so&so is hearing this!”

We expect others to be patient with us. We try to be patient with ourselves. But so often we fail.

So where does this fruit of the Spirit patience come from?  The pastor suggested that it’s not so much developing the practice of patience between people but our decision to be patient with God that will in turn let patience grow in our hearts.

It was like a cloud lifted, a light came on. Patience with God.

He reminded us that God doesn’t operate on our schedule. We have to submit and live on His schedule.

When we choose to run the show and try to make God bend to us, things get terribly out of whack. We try to manipulate God and others, try to make what we want happen when we want it to. (Remember Sarah, Abraham and Hagar?)  We compromise to achieve what we want. Something is not always better than nothing. (Remember David bringing home the ark of the covenant?) God can’t use us if we insist on pushing our timetable. (Remember Saul’s decision to go ahead and offer the sacrifice because Samuel was taking too long to arrive?)

Biblical examples are numerous but so are personal ones. When I think I know what needs to happen when, I become arrogant against God. Like I know better than He does? (Remember Adam & Eve?)

No, if I want patience to be a growing fruit in my life, I need to start with submitting to God in all things-perhaps especially the calendar. In James 5, we’re admonished to take note of the faith and patience of the farmer. He waits on God.

How can I develop the practice of patience?
1. I must recognize that this is God I’m waiting on. (Job 38-41)
2. I must remember how patient God is with me. (2 Peter 3:9)
3. I must do what I can and should do because waiting on God does not mean doing nothing. I should wait actively. (Romans 12:21)

If we follow God’s schedule, He will give us every good thing. Patience is not just a virtue. It’s also a part of the reward.

I hear You, God.


Psalm 38:1 NIV

Lord, I wait for You; You will answer, Lord my God.


Kim OConnor said…
Psalm 46:10 NASB

Cease striving and know that I am God.
Sheree Denny said…
Psalm 5:3 NIV

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.
Carol Rea said…
Proverbs 16:6

Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for; through the fear of the LORD evil is avoided.

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