Faith Words: Lost

Have you ever had that dream where you’re lost and can’t find your way?  You know you have a home, a place of refuge but you just can’t find it?

That’s how I’ve been feeling lately, even when awake. It’s like someone changed all the signs, the paths.  Nothing’s familiar. I know I have a place of refuge but where is it?  I look for home where I used to find it but it’s not there anymore. What I counted on for peace and security has vanished in the fog that surrounds me. 

This is not the feeling of being spiritually lost. I know I’m saved by the blood of Jesus and the grace of God. This is something different. More like being dropped in a foreign land and trying to find the road back home with no map and no sense of direction. 

I understand how frightened the apostles were as they crossed the sea in the storm. They knew where the shore was but they couldn’t see it. They could only see the storm around them. 

Asking why doesn’t help. Now I ask how. How do I get through the fog, the storm around me? I’ve never been here before. If I focus on where I want to go, I panic because I can’t see it. I have to move slowly. One step at a time. 

I know the Lord will help me. I’m still frightened when I see the unfamiliar landscape around me. I have to remind myself He’s in control and will see me through. I don’t have to see where I’m going. I’m going to trust that He does. 



Isaiah 41:10 NIV

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


Sheree Denny said…
Psalm 67:2 NIV

That your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.
Carol Rea said…
2 Chronicles 16:9a NIV

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him....

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