Faith Words: New Song

I don’t listen to the radio much anymore but recently I heard a new song on Christian radio:  “Truth Be Told.”  A few days later, I heard another new song:  “I Got Saved.” 

When you hear a new song that speaks to your heart and soul, it sometimes has special meaning to you and you alone, a special meaning that no one else would understand. 

I think that’s what the new song will be like when we sing it before the Throne. It will be a personal praise song to the Lord that expresses the gratitude for being redeemed. It will tell my redemption story. It will tell yours.  It will be different from any song we’ve ever sung before because our redemption will be complete!

Let’s get ready to sing!


Revelation 14:3a NIV

“And they sang a new song before the throne.....”


Sheree Denny said…
Psalm 103:15 NIV

As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field.

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