Faith Words: No Fear

If this past year or so has taught us anything, it’s taught us that fear is contagious. I saw a quote today that read in part: “Fear doesn’t stop death. It stops life.” Isn’t that how this past year feels?  Between masks & stay at home orders, it feels like life almost stopped. 

But I refuse to live in fear!  I try not to be reckless or cavalier toward danger, but I refuse to live in fear. Over and over (some 365 times) in the scriptures, the word of God says “Fear not!”  

Am I concerned about everything that’s happening around us? Of course! But being afraid won’t help. Instead, I choose to pray, have faith and trust God. Faith is the antidote to fear.

We mustn’t let Satan push us around and cause us to cower in fear. Stand up. Put on your Godly armor and STAND!

Our God is good. Our God is mighty. And our God will never leave us or forsake us. 

Fear not!



I John 5:4b NIV

This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith!


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