
Showing posts from February, 2022

Faith Words: Good

One of the most fascinating characteristics of God is His goodness. Throughout scripture, we read of God and His goodness. From creation, God desires to bring good to us. Since He is good, He gives us what we need, not what we want. When we need it, He disciplines us. When we need it, He comforts us.  God’s goodness prevents Him from being unmerciful and too harsh.  He remembers that we are dust (Psalm 103:14b). His goodness is part of the sparkle of His love. We can’t outrun His goodness because He loves us and surrounds His people (Psalm 125:2). Every good and perfect gift is from above (James 1:17). Any good in us is from Him, not from us but we can be a reflection of His goodness and so bring Him glory. God’s goodness is so much more than I can describe. Let’s put His Words in our hearts, so we can declare the goodness of God. Thank you, Father! Patrice Psalms‬ ‭119:68‬ ‭NIV‬‬ You are good, and what you do is good; teach me your decrees. ‭‭

Faith Words: Eternal

I have some heirlooms that have been passed down from my grandparents to me and I hope to pass them on to my grandchildren someday.  An anniversary clock, a round platter, a sun bonnet, a butter churn.   But all these things will break or fade someday and the memories I have of them will fade as well. My grandchildren may remember from stories I share with them but the stories will be just that: stories, not memories and soon even those will fade to nothing. In our world, our lives, so much is fleeting.  It’s a great comfort to know that the word of God is everlasting. The word of God is trustworthy and never-changing. As each subsequent generation embraces the gospel, the word of God will be planted in their hearts as their own personal memories. Not just old stories of a days long passed that have little relevance but memories with life-changing reality. Yes, the word of God is an heirloom that will never fade or perish. It is eternal. Pass it on. Patrice  Isaiah‬ ...