Faith Words: Eternal

I have some heirlooms that have been passed down from my grandparents to me and I hope to pass them on to my grandchildren someday.  An anniversary clock, a round platter, a sun bonnet, a butter churn.  

But all these things will break or fade someday and the memories I have of them will fade as well. My grandchildren may remember from stories I share with them but the stories will be just that: stories, not memories and soon even those will fade to nothing.

In our world, our lives, so much is fleeting.  It’s a great comfort to know that the word of God is everlasting. The word of God is trustworthy and never-changing.

As each subsequent generation embraces the gospel, the word of God will be planted in their hearts as their own personal memories. Not just old stories of a days long passed that have little relevance but memories with life-changing reality.

Yes, the word of God is an heirloom that will never fade or perish. It is eternal.

Pass it on.


Isaiah‬ ‭40:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.



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