Faith Words: Friends

The bond between friends is both fragile and strong. It should be fiercely protected and regularly checked for damage or neglect. 

I saw with my own eyes the beauty and strength that flows from the fount of well-tended friendships. 

Tossing their other duties and obligations aside, two brave and tender men came to the rescue of their friend when he was in deep distress and couldn’t help himself. 

As if asked by the Lord Jesus Christ himself, they firmly planted themselves between their friend - their brother - and danger. 

With compassion and patience, they answered my cry for help and I’ll love them always for the beautiful gift of friendship and love they have given to my husband. 

God bless you, Doug. God bless you, Glenn.



John‬ ‭15:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.


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