Faith Words: Free

When you believe something, everything in your life is shaped by that belief. Our confidence or lack of confidence stands on what we believe to be true about ourselves and our world. 

These beliefs form a fabric that holds us in such a way that can either make us feel and act stronger or bind us with indecision and fear, frozen in place. But here’s the thing:  beliefs aren’t always true. 

The truth of our lives in Christ should be woven from Jesus himself, but many times we are tied with beliefs that have been passed down to us, not really truths, but so closely resembling the truth that we accept them without question. These are the ties that are dangerous and not truth at all. They can keep us living in fear and condemnation rather than the victory and freedom Christ brings. 

Only by comparing our beliefs to God’s word will we be able to see if our beliefs are in line with the truth. Jesus taught the truth. He showed his disciples the truth. He said that if we hold to his teaching, we are really his disciples. So if we learn his teachings, if we do what he taught, if we become his disciples, we will know the truth. 

Truth allows us to see the difference between God’s word and man’s teachings and interpretations of God’s word. When we see the truth, we can wrap ourselves in it and draw the strength and understanding from it that we need to live freely in obedience to God’s word. We can exchange our belts of faulty beliefs, traditions and lies for the belt of the eye-opening, freedom-giving untainted truth of the word of God. 

Through Jesus, the truth is ours and the truth sets us free for life in Him. Christ Jesus = Truth = Freedom = Oneness with Christ Jesus!

Set free in Him.


John 8:32 NIV

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. 


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