Faith Words: The Gospel of Peace

At my age, feeling steady on my feet is one of the most important things I want. Whether I’m standing still, walking, or climbing stairs, I want to feel secure and not fear tripping or falling. I’ve done both and I know I don’t want to do either again. Ever. 

I can’t neglect my feet or my shoes. The kind of shoes I wear and the condition of my feet greatly influence my ability to stand. I look for the right shoes. Solid shoes that will give me what I need.  Good support. Non-slip soles. Laces that stay tied. Designed for stability. 

The Lord asks me to stand firm with my feet fitted with the gospel of peace. When I obey the gospel, I have peace with God. He accepts the death of Jesus as full payment for my sin debt. He looks at me through the blood of Jesus and I’m in good standing with Him. 

That doesn’t stop Satan from trying to trip me up, knock me down, make me fall. But the gospel of peace won’t fail me. 

I can’t neglect the gospel. I need to examine it and know it.  Then, I’ll have the right words from God ready for the enemy’s attacks. The gospel of peace will give me a sure footing, so I can stand and not slip in this battle we’re in. Accusations and lies from the enemy can’t take me down when I’ve got my feet fitted with the truth of the gospel of peace. God’s armor makes sure of that. 

Ready to stand,

Stand firm then,…and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭14a, 15‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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