Faith Words: My Help

One fall, John and I visited the Mid-Coast region of Maine.  It was beautiful! Lighthouses, fall color, the Penobscot Bay - I could go on and on. 

There’s a unique suspension bridge over the Penobscot River near Bucksport that has an observatory at the top of one of the towers. The 420’ elevator ride from the ground to the second floor takes 90 seconds!  It’s the tallest bridge observatory in the world and there are only three others like it: one in China, one in Thailand, and one on Slovakia.  It’s way up there!  

The view through the plate glass windows is spectacular!  There are displays showing you what you’re looking at and how far away it is. I wish all of you could experience it. 

However, I have a fear of heights. (I know. What was I doing up there then?)  I plastered myself to the inner wall, afraid to take a step toward the windows. My mind knew it was safe but my heart kept telling me the floor was going to dissolve under my feet, so there I stood, frozen in place. 

The only way I could approach the windows and that marvelous view was when John took my arm in his strong hands and guided me forward. Then and only then could I calm my fears enough to see all that lay before me. 

Life can be like that. Sometimes the way forward is frightening and the path uncertain. I want to step out in faith but fear holds me back. Only when I turn to God for help can I trust that no matter what is in front me, He will keep me safe. He won’t let my feet stumble. He is the help I need. 

Trusting His help for the next step,


Psalms‬ ‭121‬:‭2‬-‭3a‬ ‭NIV‬‬

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip—


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