
Showing posts from October, 2024

Faith Words: Salvation

I feel like I’m being bombarded constantly by all manor of voices. Some angry. Some kind. Some full of wisdom. Some full of lies. Some so convoluted that I’m not sure if I’m hearing truth or lies.  How can I filter these words, hang on to the truth and not be fooled or deluded by the lies and protect my mind?  If I try to lean on my own understanding, I find myself swaying first to one voice, then to the next.  The lines between good and evil start to blur some around the edges.  I’ll talk myself into believing almost anything. Everything I let in my ears and then into my mind and my heart affects me. How do I keep the evil one’s voice from changing me more into his likeness when what I want is to be transformed into the likeness of Christ?  Whose voice is louder?  Whose voice do I hear?  Whose voice do I follow?  Paul tells us to put on the helmet of salvation, to wear the salvation we have in Jesus Christ to keep my mind and heart securely fixed on Him, to filter all the noise throug