Faith Words: Trust

For me, knowing something often comes with doubts. I know I turned off the lights before I left home. At least I think I did.  I know I locked the doors and closed the garage door before going to bed. Didn’t I?

I second guess myself about a lot of things and with good reason. I’ve come home from a weekend trip to Lubbock to find the garage door up. I’ve left the water running and the lights on when I was sure I’d turned them off. 

But when it comes to my salvation, do I second guess God?  He tells me in His word that I’m His, that my salvation is secure. So why do I feel insecure?  Do I not trust God’s word?  Do I not believe that Jesus’s sacrifice was enough? Why do I feel so guilty when I’m free in Christ?

My old enemy keeps bringing up my past and all my sins. He whispers that I’m too worldly to be like Christ, that I could never really be forgiven. And I listen.  Why would I believe and agree with that liar, when the God of the universe says otherwise?

I’ve sinned. Satan says I’m guilty. God says I’m forgiven. Trust God. 

My sin debt is big. Satan says there’s no way my debt of sin can be repaid. God says Jesus Christ paid the price fully with His own blood. Trust God. 

I can second guess myself and come up with all kinds of crazy thoughts when I trust myself or listen to lies. When I start doubting my salvation and start listening to Satan’s condemnation, I need to stop and remember what God said. Then trust God. 

Trust God. 


Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;…


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