FAITH WORDS 2013: GCR Women’s Scripture Memory Team Instructions

If you're new to Faith Words or just need a reminder of how it works, here are the instructions:  

On the 1st and 15th of every month, beginning January 1st, visit the GCR Women’s BlogSpot and post your memory verse as a comment to the blog entry.  You are committing to 24 Scriptures in 12 months.
On the 1st of every month, beginning January 1st, visit the GCR Women’s BlogSpot and post your memory verse as a comment to the blog entry. You are committing to 12 Scriptures in 12 months.
Select a daily Bible reading schedule and stick to it.  On the 1st of every month, beginning January 1st, visit the GCR Women’s BlogSpot and post a brief comment telling where you are in your daily reading and a key verse that God has used to speak to you.

For those of you who are going to commit to one of the memory options, you are to enter the verse you’ve chosen to memorize within twenty-four hours of the post going up. Keep your comments limited to your name, verse and translation. Always add your translation.  As often as possible, choose a verse that means something to you in your present season or circumstance and stick with only one verse to memorize each time. Either shortly before or after making your entry in the blog comment, write the verse by hand.  We will have a limited number of spirals available for purchase ($5.00) but you can also go to Wal-Mart or some similar store and purchase a spiral of index cards.

If you are choosing to commit to daily Bible reading, get a check list that you can use to keep up with where you are in your reading. There are many versions of reading schedules available online and YES! There’s an app for that!  Here are some you might want to choose from:
or from the App Store, a Bible app called YouVersion (Version 4.1)

This year, we're also adding a Monthly Gathering on the second Monday evening of the month at 7 pm in the Formal Room beginning January 14th where we can connect, encourage and pray with other women.  I hope you'll join us.




Kim OConnor said…
Psalm 19:14 NIV
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Anonymous said…
Sue ~ "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."
Col. 3:23

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