Faith Words: Skin Deep

Yesterday, I had a skin cancer removed from my nose.  It was my first personal experience with skin cancer and its removal.  A very talented doctor, Dr. Russell Akin, performed Mohs surgery on my beak to clear it of the parasitic enemy.  The procedure is 98%-99% effective and Dr. Akin is highly skilled, so I'm very hopeful that his work will indeed prove to be successful. I knew I was in the right place when I heard Christian music playing over the office's sound system.  I had asked God to take control of my situation and provide the best results possible.  I told Him that whatever He allows, I will accept and I still stand on that.  But right now, I feel the favor of God on me as the cancer was removed in one pass and the doctor was able to close the wound with stitches and no skin graft was needed.  Remarkable!  Praiseworthy! Yes, praise God for His tender mercies and constant care.

Skin cancer is a devious little beast.  It can appear in otherwise healthy tissue with no apparent cause.  It can hide behind other bumps and moles, making its debut without warning.  But mostly, skin cancer comes from a lack of vigilance on my part.  I neglect my skin.  Oh, sure, I wash my skin.  I use various lotions to keep it soft and moist.  But I don't like to be bothered with sunscreen on most occasions - too messy, too sticky.  And I don't like to wear hats.  My head is too big - no, really, it is!  I go outside any time of day, even between 10 am and 4 pm, without sun protection.

I also don't go to a dermatologist regularly - too busy, don't like the wait, can't remember to call for an appointment, it's no biggie anyway. I had this skin cancer developing for quite a while but had told myself it was nothing and could wait.  So, I expose myself to the harmful effects of the sun without concern for the consequences.

What other dangers are lurking, waiting for an opportunity?  Do I expose myself to spiritual cancers?  Do I neglect to cover myself with a protective coating of God's Word and prayer?  Do I wear my spiritual armor? Do I expose myself to harmful things and places and people without concern for the spiritual consequences?

On my own, unprotected, I'm not safe.  I'm not invincible. I'm easy pickin's.  I'm vulnerable.  But there are remedies. I can make wiser choices.  I can listen to the counsel of God and not my own immature, self-indulgent thoughts or the voices that would lure me into danger.  It's up to me.

My behavior and choices will leave me with consequences.  Thankfully, if I get into trouble from my thoughtless actions, I can choose to get help.  It won't be easy or painless, even though it might be private.  Cutting out the spiritual cancers I've let grow in my life comes with a cost.  Am I willing to let God remove the ugliness and start me on His healing course?

We may not be able to see our cancers with our own eyes.  It takes regular, professional care to deal with them.  Spiritual cancers can be hard to see, too, especially if we don't want to see them.  We need the Lord to reveal them and help us deal with them. Vigilance is the answer.  Don't put it off; don't let it fester.  Seek the Lord and His expert care now.

Praising God!


Luke 5:12-13 (NIV)

While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy.  When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged Him, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean."  Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man.  "I am willing," He said.  "Be clean!"  And immediately the leprosy left him.


Sheree Denny said…
Psalm 32:7 NIV
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.
Tajuana Speir said…
Proverbs 27:19 NIV

"As water reflects the face, so one's life
reflects the heart."
Carol Rea said…
Jeremiah 6:16a NIV

This is what the LORD says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls...
Kim OConnor said…
John 15:2 HCSB

God prunes every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce more fruit.

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