Faith Words: Discipline

I have bad knees.  Partly from genetics, partly from arthritis, partly from weight, partly from lack of exercise.  One of these days I'll probably have a knee replacement or two.  When I do, I'm sure I'll be on post-operative exercise therapy to help me heal.

I've been thinking about the condition of my knees for quite a while.  I mean, they're with me everyday, everywhere I go.  I feel their pain, hear them pop.  I know I need to do something.

My son has been encouraging me to exercise now.  My doctor agrees.  She said I should use the post-op exercises now.  The idea is to strengthen the muscles that support the knees so they are able to do their job.

I've also been working on losing weight (again) for the same reason.  If I weigh less, my knees will thank me and if (when) I have knees replacement surgery, I'll heal and recuperate much faster.

I realize each day that unless I do something now, I just continue to get weaker and weaker which isn't a very good prospect as I age.  It takes discipline for both avenues of attack.  I have to exercise whether I want to or not and I have to eat correctly whether I want to or not, IF I want to achieve the results I desire.

My walk with God is no different.  I need to feed on His word and exercise my faith, IF I want to become the person God created me to be.

When I meet temptation and give in, I become weaker.  When I choose not to read & study the word, my heart forgets what I should do, who I should be.  Just like when I wimp out and don't work out, I make my body weaker or when I make poor food choices, I thwart my weight goals.  Obstacles in my path become dangerous as I become weaker.  Without the strength that comes from the Lord, I'll fall.

If I truly care about my knees and my physical health, I'll discipline myself to do the hard work of sticking to my exercise and diet because it's worth it.  In the same way, because God loves me, He disciplines me.  He rebukes me and punishes me to get my attention and bring me back to the truth, to spiritual health in Him.  He knows I have obstacles ahead and He is working to get me ready before I meet them.

It may not be pleasant at the time and it is sometimes painful, but discipline works.  Do I want to be healthy?  Stick to the plan!  No discipline has brought me to where I am now and that hasn't worked.  Do I want to be godly, righteous, and strong in the Lord?  Then, I need to let God train me with His discipline, with His word. Living His way will work - every time.

In training,

Hebrews 12:12-13 NIV

Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.  Make level paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.


Sheree Denny said…
Proverbs 31:11 NIV

Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.
Shannon Augesen said…
Psalm 37:3-4 NIV
Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Tajuana Speir said…
James 4:15 NIV

Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live
and do this or that."
Kim OConnor said…
Psalm 23:1 (The Passion Translation)

The LORD is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough.
Carol Rea said…
Matthew 10:32-33 NIV

Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.
Carol Rea said…
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