Faith Words: More Trust

Sue started each day quoting Psalm 143:8.  It reminded her to trust in God and it reminded her that God is trustworthy. 

In April 2020, Sue began her fight with pancreatic cancer. She and those who loved her prayed for God to intervene with His mighty power and heal her miraculously.  She went through all the recommended treatments:  chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery. She modified her diet and personal life. And she continued to trust. 

I visited with Sue about three weeks before she went to be with the Lord. She told me she didn’t feel like she was close to death and she continued to pray and believe for God’s healing miracle. 

As the end neared and her pain and discomfort grew, Sur and her family realized God would heal her by taking her home. Yet through it all, with questions and prayers going up to God, Sue and her family trusted God. 

Now that Sue’s at rest, her trust is perfected. Now, she knows and one of the things she knows is that her trust in God has been well-placed. She knows her prayers were heard and answered. She knows now she’s completely healed and whole. 

Things didn’t go exactly like Sue had hoped and prayed. But her trust and faithfulness live on. Sue’s life encourages me to keep on trusting no matter what happens. Why? Because He is faithful. He is trustworthy. 

Still trusting,


‭‭Psalms‬ ‭143:8‬ ‭NIV

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.


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