Faith Words: Prepare

I’m getting ready to have my left knee replaced in about a week. It’s been just over three years since I had my right knee replaced and I’ve known that one day my left knee would need the same treatment.

Knee pain is debilitating. Every step hurts. It aches at night. Getting in and out of cars and chairs is excruciating. All of those are reasons I’m doing this. 

But even then the decision hasn’t been easy. Having done this once before, I’m well aware that there will be a lot of pain after the surgery and the healing process will take time - lots of time. 

To get ready for the surgery, I’ve consulted a doctor who has a good reputation in this field. I’ve done pre-op testing and classes to help ensure good results with minimal discomfort. 

Part of the protocol is twice daily exercises designed to make the supporting muscles stronger going in which should help in the post-op recovery. If I don’t do the exercises, they won’t help me. Just being advised to do them and knowing how to do them won’t accomplish the desired outcome. Neither will doing them now and again. They must be done every day, twice a day to work correctly. 

Physical therapy after surgery is the same and regular, life long exercise are important to keep my new joint in good condition. 

Isn’t it the same with us preparing for the spiritual battles we face?  We’ve experienced the pain these battle wounds cause us. Much of the pain is brought on by old, damaged ways of thinking and living that keep us in a rut of misery that we’ve put up for years sometimes trying to fix it ourselves.  

Once we acknowledge that we’re getting nowhere on our own and the quick fixes we’ve tried just keep failing and we finally turn to the Great Physician, it’s time to prepare our hearts. We consult those who know and have experience. We read and memorize the Word. 

But do we write it on our hearts, really letting it sink in so our hearts absorb it  and are strengthened by it? So we’re prepared and God’s Word is our first response and reaction?  Not just now and again but always?

I’m guilty of letting my mind fall back to those old ruts, those old thoughts. It’s so easy for me to rationalize my thought, choices, and behaviors. So I constantly need to redirect my world-wise thoughts back to God’s way of thinking. I want to be prepared for battle. What about you?

Think about it. 



2 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.


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