Faith Words: Truth

Every part of our armor has a purpose. In describing God’s armor, Paul chooses his words to craft a clear picture of this armor, words that communicate a precise meaning that creates a whole unit designed by God for our protection.  

So, why a belt of truth?  Why do soldiers wear belts?  It’s more than to hold up their pants. A belt provides extra storage to carry essential weapons. In ancient times, the belt was particularly important as a place to carry a sword. 

Our belt is comprised of truth. Today, the meaning of that word has been watered down to  the point of diluting the absoluteness of truth. Despite what we hear people say, there is only one truth. We can’t have my truth or your truth. There is only truth. God’s truth. God’s Word. 

Our faith is tied up in and secured in place by the truth of God’s Word. When we wrap God’s Word around us, we have our best and strongest weapon right there ready for what ever comes, so we can continue to stand firm. 

Standing firm with God’s truth wrapped securely around me,


PS Keep checking your belt. Don’t let Satan loosen it or untie it. Pull it tight around you. 

Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭14a‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist,



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