Faith Words: His

When I was child, my parents shielded me from hurtful things when they could. When they couldn’t, they tried to comfort me and help me heal. We did the same thing when our children were small. Truth be told, I still try to do that today with my adult children and with my grandchildren. My love for them brings out my protective nature. I want to shield them from anything that would damage them or hurt them. They don’t always want my help (my love, yes, but not always my help), but I stand ready to throw myself between them and the bad things.

Our Lord offers us His shield of love and faith to protect us from the evil one and the effects evil has on us, but unlike this momma’s tendency to step in uninvited, Our Lord waits for us to ask for His shield, to let the protection and healing He offers come over us. 

When our Lord, the Holy One of Israel, offers us His perfect shield, why would we, why would I push Him away?  Why wouldn’t I eagerly embrace His protection and bask in His love?

I must forget who the Lord is. I must forget His wisdom and knowledge. I must get comfortable under the shield and somehow start to think I can my protect myself (or at least forget that the protection I thrive under comes from my Lord and not myself).

Father, please build up my faith in You and help me remember that You are the source of the love and protection I live under, that it is Your shield and not mine. Like this shield, I belong to You. 



Psalm‬ ‭89‬:‭18‬ ‭ESV

For our shield belongs to the Lord, our King, to the Holy One of Israel.


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