Faith Words: Focus
I sit down to read something and as I read, I realize that instead of paying attention to what I’ve read, I’ve been thinking about my grocery list or something else I need to do and have little to no idea what I’ve been reading.
This happens whether what I’m reading is a novel, a post or the Bible. This happens when I pray, too. And I’m so ashamed. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I keep my focus on the thing in front of me for even two minutes?!
I think part of it is me but a large part is our hurried world. So many things screaming for my attention all at the same time and me not being able to shut out the noise and give my undivided attention to whatever is in front of me.
I particularly want to give God my undivided attention when I’m praying, reading or studying His word, or worshiping Him. He deserves that and more.
I’m thankful that He knows me and He knows my world. He understands how easily distracted I can be. But that doesn’t mean it pleases Him. And I want to please Him.
So my prayer is that by His power, He will give me an undivided heart toward Him - a heart that is fully focused on Him when I pray, when I read and study His word, when I worship; a heart that even in the everyday things of life keeps Him in the center of all I do.
In faith,
Psalms 86:11 NIV
Teach me Your way, Lord, and I will walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name.
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.